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EU Council welcomes IAEA decision to refer Iran nuclear file to UNSC

EU Council welcomes IAEA decision to refer Iran nuclear file to UNSCNCRI – Welcoming the decision by the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency on February 4 to refer Iranian regime’s nuclear dossier to the UN Security Council, the Council of the European Union adopted the following conclusion on Monday:

"1. The Council welcomed the resolution adopted by the IAEA Board of Governors on 4 February with the overwhelming support of Board members. It supported the Board’s decision to involve the United Nations Security Council.  The Council believed that if Iran continues to fail to heed the repeated requests made in successive IAEA Board resolutions, the Security Council should now put its weight behind the Board’s requests and the IAEA’s efforts to resolve outstanding questions.
2. The Council regretted Iran’s decision to withhold voluntary co-operation with the IAEA, contrary to the Board’s requests and to Iran’s earlier decision to implement the provisions of its Additional Protocol.  Iran’s decision to limit co-operation further increases international concerns and suspicions about Iranian intentions and makes it more difficult for the IAEA to resolve outstanding issues. 

3. The European Union deplored Iran’s resumption of enrichment-related activities, including enrichment at Natanz. Iran’s introduction of nuclear material into centrifuges on 13 February in defiance of repeated calls by the IAEA Board of Governors and the international community is also a step in the wrong direction. The IAEA Board has repeatedly called for Iran to suspend all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities as an essential confidence-building measure. The restoration of international confidence requires full transparency and cooperation from Iran.

4. The Council reaffirmed the EU’s continued support for a diplomatic solution. It urged Iran to reinstate a full suspension of all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities.  The Council called on Iran to meet in full all of the Board’s requests in good time before the next Board meeting on 6 March. The Council welcomed Russia’s efforts to seek a way forward involving the offer to Iran of a financial stake in an enrichment joint venture on the territory of the Russian Federation, conditional on Iran’s resumption of the moratorium on all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities.

5. The EU does not question the right of Iran to the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in conformity with its obligations under the NPT, a right which the EU has consistently reaffirmed. If international concerns about Iran’s programme are fully addressed, the EU would be prepared, as already stated in its August 2005 proposal, to support the development of a safe, sustainable and proliferation-proof Iranian civilian nuclear programme.

6. Recalling the European Council conclusions of 16 December 2005, which agreed on the need to keep the EU’s diplomatic options under close review and continue to calibrate the EU’s approach in light of Iranian declarations and actions, the Council agreed that Iran’s resumption of enrichment activities is a negative development. It is time for Iran to reconsider its position on these activities and other areas of concern in order to avoid further deterioration of its relationship with the EU.

7. The recent attacks on European missions in Tehran were unjustifiable and totally unacceptable. The Council calls on Iran to protect diplomatic missions, including through proper policing, in accordance with its obligations under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

8. The Council calls on Iran to lift all discriminatory restrictions against individual EU Member States."