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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismIraq: Hadi al-Ameri forces destroy Iranian dissidents’ cemetery in Camp Ashraf

Iraq: Hadi al-Ameri forces destroy Iranian dissidents’ cemetery in Camp Ashraf


NCRI – In an anti-human crime in mid-January and by the orders of Hadi Ameri, the Iraqi forces and the criminal militias stationed in Camp Ashraf resorted to destroy the Pearl Cemetery in Ashraf along with its memorials, symbolic statues, walls and even the grave stones.

Since 2012 and on various occasions, the Iraqi forces used to destroy parts of the cemetery, but despite repeated protests by the residents’ representatives to the United States and the United Nations, they took no effective measures to prevent this repulsive crime.

This anti-human behavior is a reminder of the behavior of the religious fascism ruling Iran that in fear of the widespread social affinity for the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) constantly destroys the graves of PMOI members and prevents gathering of relatives and friends at the grave sites.

This regime knows all too well that PMOI martyrs are an inspiration to the Iranian people for steadfastness and resistance to overthrow the mullahs and establish democracy in Iran.

Years ago, the name, account number, and monthly pay of Hadi Ameri who is under the command of the Qods Force were disclosed in the list of those who receive salary from the Qods Force.

Since last July that he occupied Ashraf and turned it into the headquarters for the militias affiliated with the Qods Force, he resorted to plunder residents’ property and vehicles in coordination with Maliki’s National Security Advisor Faleh Fayad.

Time and again, camp residents called on the UN and U.S. officials to make arrangements for the cemetery in Camp Ashraf to be protected and looked after at the expense of residents. On December 2, 2102, Fars News Agency, affiliated with the revolutionary guards (IRGC), published pictures of some of the graves in Camp Ashraf that had been destroyed.

In response to protests from the residents’ representative in Camp Liberty, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) wrote on December 7: “Desecration of graves is unacceptable and if anything like that happened, we will raise our voice. I trust that the Iraqi authorities…will respect the sanctity of the graves of your fallen ones. I will certainly discuss this issue with them.”

However, no voices were raised. Residents’ representative wrote to DSRSG on December 16: “The repulsive and criminal behaviour of the mullahs’ intelligence agents and that of the Iraqi forces in treating Ashraf cemetery and destroying the graves disrespectfully… has provoked no reaction on your behalf and that of the SRSG whereas such behaviour is denounced by all religions and human cultures.”

Once again, the Iranian Resistance calls on the U.S. government, the UN Secretary-General, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, and the UN High Commissioners for Human Rights and Refugees to take immediate action to stop this anti-human and immoral trend and to protect the graves of the deceased in Ashraf.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 28, 2015












