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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIran Regime's Security Force, Ruthlessly Murdered a Young Athlete

Iran Regime’s Security Force, Ruthlessly Murdered a Young Athlete


The groundswell of popular dissent against regime’s crackdown

The murder of Asghar Nahvipour, a young Iranian athlete, by regime’s security force in a metro station of Shahre Rey, south of Tehran, has raised a wave of rage across the country. This incident took place on Saturday, July 15th when Nahvipour protested and attacked a mullah seen harassing a number of young women under the bogus pretext of “improper hijab”. Eyewitness say he was fired at point blank range by the police while yelling, “We don’t want these mullahs. We don’t want this Islam. What kind of a country is this? What kind of Islam is this?”

Iranian authorities did not permit his family to hold a ceremony in his hometown and ripped down all banners of his funeral ceremony. Iranian intelligence banned Nahvipour’s family of any protest, going public or even talking about the issue or weeping at their loved one’s grave.

Iranian officials have now acknowledged increasing popular dissent is increasing in the face of this regime’s efforts to impose crackdown conditions.

The motivation behind these attacks is the “hate of clerics” and “unfortunately, we have been witness to dissent throughout the society… enemies and anti-revolutionary elements have become active, and we are witnessing developments that disgrace the establishment…” according to the Revolutionary Guards’ Bassij Organization chief Gholam-Hossein Gheibparvar.

“One particular system alone cannot prevent such measures… and government apparatuses must be more firm and serious…” he added in reference to the scope of such measures. (Semi-official Mehr news agency – July 16)

One day after these remarks a soldier in a fort in a town near the city of Ghazvin, northwest Iran, opened fire on a group of military personnel and then took his own life. Eight military personnel were killed and injured as a result. (Semi-official Mehr news agency – July 17)

Youths in Neishabour, northeast Iran, attacked and injured a mullah, according to a wire in Fars, the semi-official IRGC news agency. The mullah was sent to a hospital.

The Iranian regime has been implementing various measures to protect its mullahs and Bassij members against attacks staged especially by the youth. In 2014 the Iranian parliament adopted a bill dubbed, “Supporting the authorities of Promoting Virtue and Preventing Vice.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 18, 2017