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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyAnti-riot armored unit deployed to suppress Liberty residents

Anti-riot armored unit deployed to suppress Liberty residents

Camp Liberty-no.24

NCRI – An anti-riot motorized unit with armored vehicles and heavy machine-guns has been deployed in Liberty since 6.30 this morning, Friday, April 20. The unit is now based at four corners of the camp and the police station.

This reminds of the deployment of Iraqi armored vehicles in Ashraf on April 3, 2011 and is truly an alarming sign indicating the ominous intentions on the verge of Maliki’s trip to Iran and his meeting with Khamenei who has always sought the annihilation of the Iranian opposition in Iraq.


The previous two massacres of July 2009 and April 2011 in Ashraf were carried out at the behest of Khamenei. Preparing another bloody suppression in the prison called Liberty will leave off the peaceful solution and all further transfers from Ashraf to this site. The attached pictures showing the armored vehicles alongside the residents’ trailers need to be noticed.

Iranian Resistance calls for immediate action of the UN Secretary General and the US government in this regard and also for full implementation of the items in the letter of March 16 by Special Representative of the UN Secretary General to the residents in order to make Iraqi armed forces withdraw from inside the camp.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 20, 2012