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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyTIMELINE: Camp Liberty under heavy attack - IRAN, IRAQ, PMOI, MEK

TIMELINE: Camp Liberty under heavy attack – IRAN, IRAQ, PMOI, MEK

Maryam Rajavi: Religious dictatorship ruling Iran cannot save itself by committing a crime against humanity at Camp Liberty

The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect Maryam Rajavi hailed the martyrs and those injured in the October 29 missile attack on Camp Liberty, describing them as symbols of admirable persistence of the people of Iran in their struggle to overthrow the mullahs’ religious fascism and achieve freedom.

Mrs. Rajavi declared: Officially and legally, the Government of Iraq and the United Nations –who signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the final days of 2011 and have established Camp Liberty for four years as a “Temporary Transit Location (TTL)”– must account for this attack. However, the Iranian regime’s agents in the government of Iraq are directly responsible for the attack as it was the case in the six previous bloodbaths in camps Ashraf and Liberty, and the United States and the United Nations are fully aware of this reality.

Maryam Rajavi underlined: By any definition, it is a crime against humanity to attack defenseless refugees who have no arms and no shields to protect themselves, and its perpetrators must be brought to justice.



In Photos: Iranians around the world condemn Camp Liberty massacre

Iranians around the world have held a series of protests in various capitals condemning the terrorist rocket attack on Thursday on members of the Iranian opposition in Camp Liberty, Iraq, which led to the death of 23 camp residents. Dozens of residents, members of the main opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, or MEK), were also injured in the deadly attack.

Iranians in Aarhus, Denmark, rally to condemn October 29 rocket attack on PMOI (MEK) members in Camp Liberty. October 31, 2015:

Iranians in Berlin rally to condemn October 29 rocket attack on PMOI (MEK) members in Camp Liberty. October 31, 2015:

Iranians in Brussels rally to condemn October 29 rocket attack on PMOI (MEK) members in Camp Liberty. October 30, 2015:

Iranians in Oslo rally to condemn October 29 rocket attack on PMOI (MEK) members in Camp Liberty. October 30, 2015:

Iranians in Stockholm rally to condemn October 29 rocket attack on PMOI (MEK) members in Camp Liberty. October 30, 2015:

Iranians in Ottawa rally to condemn October 29 rocket attack on PMOI (MEK) members in Camp Liberty. October 29, 2015:


Swiss daily: Who attacked Camp Liberty in Iraq?

This article originally appeared in French in the Swiss daily ‘24heures’ and has been translated into English by


By Olivier Bot

Who bombed the camp of Iranian dissidents in Iraq?

RepressionThe camp of the People’s Mojahedin, Iranian dissidents in exile, was targeted by rockets last night

Who fired rockets last night at Camp Liberty, a former US base near Baghdad, which houses hundreds of members of the Iranian opposition People’s Mujahideen (PMOI), killing 23 people according to them? For the organization headed by Maryam Rajavi, there’s no doubt, the Katyusha and Falaq rockets were produced in Iran. Eighty rockets were fired in the worst attack ever suffered by the opposition in exile, already attacked in the past by commandos in the pay of the regime in Tehran, in the Shiite majority Iraq whose ties with Iran have warmed.



Statement by Emma McClarkin MEP on Camp Liberty attack

Camp Liberty Under Attack

Last night in a despicable act of terrorism it is estimated that 20 Iranian Opposition members were killed in a series of missile strikes on a political exile camp on the outskirts of Baghdad in Iraq.

Camp Liberty, a former US Military Base and home to exiled Iranian opposition members, has been in operation since 2012 and houses numerous individuals that have been exiled since the Islamic revolution of 1979.

The Iraqi government has failed to keep the camp secure, safe and with the most basic of provisions. Despite vast sums of money from the EU (€14 million) and other nations, there is a lapse of responsibility and duty of care from the Government of Iraq.



Former Italian FM Giulio Terzi condemns Camp Liberty massacre

Former Italian Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi has condemned the October 29 terrorist rocket attack on members of the Iranian opposition PMOI (MEK) in Camp Liberty, Iraq, which left at least 23 residents killed and dozens wounded.

In a statement on Thursday, Mr. Terzi said:

Dear Friends,

The atrocious criminal attack which has once again been directed this afternoon against the Iranian refugees PMOI in Camp Liberty is a horror which must be condemned in the strongest way and bring the immediate reaction of the international community.

The authors of this new crime against humanity are the same of the previous massacres and are directed by the same masters in Baghdad and in Teheran. Even the motives which lead the Iranian theocracy remain the same: the ‘ethnic cleansing’ of all the opponents and dissidents‎.



FOX NEWS: Rocket attack killing Iranian exiles causes estimated $10 million in damage

By Ben Evansky

Published October 30, 2015

Less than a day after a barrage of at least 80 missiles killed 23 people and injured dozens more at a camp housing Iranian exiles near Baghdad International Airport, the damage was estimated at over $10 million.

The United Nations’ High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, called the attack a “deplorable act.” A team from U.N. went to inspect the damage Friday.

Some of the missiles that struck the camp were reportedly made by Iran. The National Council of Resistance of Iran provided the initial damage estimate.

The rockets hit Camp Liberty, a former U.S. base now housing the group known as the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, according to a police official. This is the fourth attack on the camp which houses 2,400 members of the opposition since 2013. The missile attack not only killed and maimed residents but caused untold damage. Officials tell Fox News 357 trailers, 10 dining halls and 275 air conditioners were destroyed or rendered totally nonfunctional.



UNHCR condemns attack on Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) António Guterres has said he “strongly condemns” the rocket attack on Thursday on 2200 members of the Iranian opposition in Camp Liberty, near Baghdad.

“This is a most deplorable act, and I am greatly concerned at the harm that has been inflicted on those living at Camp Liberty,” said High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres. “Every effort must continue to be made for the injured and to identify and bring to account those responsible.”



Canadian supporters of democracy in Iran condemn Camp Liberty attack

Canadian Friends of a Democratic Iran

October 29, 2015

Camp Liberty again attacked by missiles and mortars, killing scores of “Protected Persons” and wounding dozens of others.

Another deadly missile attack by reportedly more than 80 missiles struck Camp Liberty residents at the behest of the Iranian regime on October 29, claiming at least 23 lives and many injuries.

The attack was another predictable consequence of the West’s failure to take action against previous crimes against humanity at Camps Liberty and Ashraf.



U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez condemns missile attack on Camp Liberty


Oct 30, 2015 | Press Release

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (CA-46), senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, released the following statement in response to the news of a devastating rocket attack on Camp Liberty in Iraq.

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (CA-46), senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, released the following statement in response to the news of a devastating rocket attack on Camp Liberty in Iraq.

“I strongly condemn the severe missile attack on Camp Liberty in Iraq. The United States must work with the Iraqi Government to guarantee the safety and protection of the unarmed residents of Camp Liberty.



Rep. Nancy Pelosi condemns terrorist attack on Camp Liberty

NCRI – U.S. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, who served as Speaker of the House from 2007 to 2011, on Friday issued a statement condemning Thursday’s terrorist attack against thousands of members of the main Iranian opposition group PMOI (MEK) in Camp Liberty, Iraq. The following is the text of her statement published on the Democratic Leader’s website:


Pelosi Statement on Violence at Camp Hurriya in Iraq

San Francisco – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi today released this statement on the rocket attack against Camp Hurriya in Iraq:



Sen. John McCain condemns attack on Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty


Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) released the following statement on the attack on Camp Liberty in Iraq this week, which has reportedly killed over 20 people:

“Yesterday’s senseless and unprovoked attack on Camp Liberty that reportedly killed over 20 residents and injured dozens more is an outrage and represents a betrayal of the civilians the United States committed to protect. The Government of Iraq should provide immediate medical and emergency assistance to the victims of the attack and render every effort to ensure the recovery of those injured.



U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock writes to Kerry on Camp Liberty attack

NCRI – U.S. Congressman Tom McClintock on Friday wrote a letter to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry regarding the deadly terrorist rocket attack on thousands of members of the main Iranian opposition PMOI (MEK) a day earlier in Camp Liberty, Iraq. The following is the full text of his letter:

Letter to John Kerry Regarding Attack on Camp Liberty

October 30, 2015

Dear Secretary Kerry:

I write to share my concerns regarding the rocket attack on Camp Liberty, Iraq, that occurred on October 29, 2015.

According to the reports I received, more than 20 members of the Iranian dissident group Mujahedeen-e-Khalq were killed and many more were injured. The reports also indicate that Iraqi police have confirmed that at least 16 Iranian-made rockets targeted Camp Liberty, which houses approximately 2,200 members of MEK – a group that has been given refugee status and is protected by the United Nations High Commission on Refugees.



U.S. Rep. Brad Sherman condemns attack on Camp Liberty

Calls for Greater Safety

Washington DC – Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA), a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement after news of rocket attacks at Camp Liberty in Iraq.

“I am deeply troubled by the recent, deadly attacks on civilians at Camp Liberty in Iraq.”

“The Iraqi government should take immediate action to aid those wounded, and assist the families of those who lost their lives. As threats and attacks continue from neighboring Iran, the Iraqi government should improve safety for Camp Liberty. Any additional funds provided by the United States to Iraq should be contingent upon the Iraqi government’s promise to provide safety for the camp.”



Bar Human Rights Committee condemns missile attack on Camp Liberty

Missile attack on Camp Liberty

30.10.15 | Kirsty Brimelow QC

The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (BHRC) condemns the recent missile attack upon Camp Liberty, a camp of Iranian exiles in north-east Baghdad and calls for immediate assistance, protection and investigation.

The government of Iraq has repeatedly failed to meet its obligations to respect and protect the humanitarian and human rights of these Iranian people who are refugees



Aftermath of Camp Liberty rocket attack width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>

Watch short videos of the aftermath of the rocket attack carried out against members of the main Iranian opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, or MEK) in Camp Liberty, Iraq, on October 29, 2015.

The damages inflicted on PMOI properties at Camp Liberty because of the missile attack last night has been estimated at over $10 million.


‘Attack on Camp Liberty shows Iran regime’s weakness’

Mr. Mehdi Abrishamchi, Chairman of the Peace Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), on Friday participated in an online conference about the deadly rocket attack a day earlier on Iranian dissidents, members of the opposition PMOI (or MEK), in Camp Liberty, Iraq.

Mr. Abrishamchi, whose brother Hossein, one of the most senior officials of the Iranian Resistance, was among the 23 victims of the attack, said the mullahs’ regime had through its agents in the Iraqi government attacked the Camp Liberty residents out of desperation.



EU condemns rocket attack on Camp Liberty

European External Action Service

Brussels, 30/10/2015

Statement of the Spokesperson on the attack on Camp Hurriya, Iraq

Several reports have emerged of a multiple rocket attack yesterday on and in the vicinity of Camp Hurriya in Iraq, which killed over 20 camp residents and injured a much larger number including Iraqi soldiers guarding the camp.

This attack on unarmed residents constitutes the gravest violation of the Camp’s security since October 2013

We send our condolences to the families and friends of the victims and wish a speedy recovery to those injured.



Camp Liberty under heavy attack – No. 10

Missile attack created craters between 4 and 7 meters wide in Camp Liberty

Subsequent to the criminal missile attack on Camp Liberty on Thursday night, October 29, that left 23 martyrs, in the daylight it was determined that the missiles which hit the various sections of the camp left craters of 4, 5, 6 and 7 meters wide with different depths that indicate the explosive power of the missiles. UN representatives who visited Camp Liberty looked at some of these craters and took pictures. Pictures of some of these craters are attached.

The missile attack completely destroyed or made unusable 357 trailers, 10 dining halls, 275 air-conditioners, a number of water, sewage and fuel tanks, sections of the water network, generators and the electrical network, vehicles and furniture.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 30, 2015


Iran’s political prisoners condemn attack on Camp Liberty

Following the October 29, 2015 terrorist rocket attack on members of the main Iranian opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, or MEK) in Camp Liberty in Iraq which left 23 camp residents killed, a group of political prisoners languishing in Iran’s various jails have written an open letter condemning the inaction of the world community to prevent the massacre:

Letter written by a number of political prisoners at Karaj, Gohardasht, and Evin prisons

Condemning the criminal and despicable act of the Islamic Republic regime against Ashrafis in Camp Liberty



Kerry condemns attack on Iran’s PMOI in Camp Liberty in Iraq

Rocket Attack on Camp Hurriya in Iraq

Press Statement John Kerry
Secretary of State Washington, DC
October 29, 2015

The United States strongly condemns today’s brutal, senseless terrorist attack on Camp Hurriya that killed and injured camp residents. Our condolences go out to the families of the victims, and we hope for the swift recovery of those injured.

We have been in touch with senior Iraqi officials to ensure that the Government of Iraq renders all possible medical and emergency assistance to the victims. We also urge the Government of Iraq to provide additional security for the camp’s residents and to find the perpetrators and hold them accountable for the attack, consistent with its obligations under the December 25, 2011 agreement with the United Nations.



Scenes of Oct 29, 2015 Camp Liberty missile attack + aftermath width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>

Scenes of the October 29, 2015 deadly missile attack on Camp Liberty sent by the camp residents themselves. At least 23 members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, PMOI (Mujahedin-e Khalq, MEK) are confirmed to have been killed in the terrorist attack while more than two dozen others are seriously injured


U.S. Rep. Eliot Engel condemns attack on Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty in Iraq 

Engel Condemns Attack on Camp Liberty in Iraq

Oct 30, 2015 | Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC — Representative Eliot L. Engel, the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today made the following statement condemning the rocket attack on Camp Liberty in Iraq:

“I strongly condemn yesterday’s rocket attack on Camp Liberty near Baghdad International Airport, which reportedly resulted in the deaths of at least 22 camp residents and several members of the Iraqi security forces…



Amnesty: Iraq must investigate deadly Camp Liberty rocket attack

Iraq: Investigate deadly Camp Liberty rocket attack

30 October 2015, 14:20 UTC

A rocket attack on a camp of Iranian exiles in Iraq is a despicable and callous crime, Amnesty International said as it called for an immediate investigation, urgent protection and assistance for the camp’s residents.

Camp Liberty, in north-east Baghdad, was struck by a barrage of rockets last night, which killed at least 23 people, including one woman, and injured dozens. An Iraqi Shi’a militia, the al-Mukhtar Army, claimed responsibility for the attack and warned that the attack may be repeated.



David Campbell Bannerman MEP condemns attack on PMOI in Camp Liberty

In response to the missile attack on Camp Liberty on October 29th, David Campbell Bannerman MEP, Chair of the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with Iraq has issued the following statement:

“As Chairman of the European Parliament’s Delegation for relations with Iraq, I strongly condemn the attack on Camp Liberty, Iraq, that took place yesterday (October 29th 2015) taking the lives of over twenty people and injuring dozens more.



Anthea McIntyre MEP condemns ‘callous’ Camp Liberty attack

McIntyre condemns “callous” Camp Liberty attack (30th October 2015)

West Midlands Conservative MEP Anthea McIntyre said today she deplored the rocket attack on Iranian refugees in Camp Liberty which is believed to have left 23 dead.

“This was a despicable and cowardly attack on people who have already been forced to flee persecution in their native land,” she said.

The attack, which involved multiple rockets and has been claimed by Shia militia , caused carnage among exiled members of the Iranian opposition group the PMOI who are housed at the former military base in Iraq. PMOI supporters say the attack was instigated by Iran.



Camp Liberty under heavy attack – No. 9
Damages estimated at over $10 million
357 trailers, 10 dining halls and 275 air conditioners destroyed or rendered totally nonfunctional
The damages inflicted on PMOI (MEK) properties at Camp Liberty because of the missile attack last night (pictures attached) has been estimated at over $10 million.

This includes 131 trailers completely destroyed and 226 rendered unusable. Ten dining halls have been totally devastated or can no longer be used. 275 air conditioners have also been demolished.
In addition, a large part of water, fuel and wastewater tanks, water network, generators and electricity systems, vehicles, facilities, computers and home appliances like refrigerators and washing machines, etc. have been completely demolished, the films and images of which are available.

This morning, Friday, October 30, a UNAMI delegation inspected one of the areas hit and destroyed by missiles. They saw the bodies of 20 victims of the missile attack at Camp Liberty, firsthand. Three other victims and a number of those seriously wounded are in a Baghdad hospital.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 30, 2015


Ros-Lehtinen Statement Regarding Reported Missile Attack on Camp Liberty

Oct 29, 2015

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Chairman of the Middle East and North Africa Subcommittee, made the following statement today regarding reports of a missile attack on Camp Liberty. Statement by Ros-Lehtinen:

“I am deeply troubled by reports that Camp Liberty residents have come under missile attack tonight and that there may be two dozen or more killed. If true, this brutal and unprovoked attack represents a failure by the Iraqi government to honor its obligations to protect the residents at Liberty and must be condemned. Secretary Kerry and the State Department must call for an immediate and impartial investigation into this act of terror, work to bring the perpetrators to justice, and do more to ensure the security of Camp Liberty.”



European Parliament group condemns missile attack on Camp Liberty

Press release

29 October 2015

European Parliament ‘Friends of a Free Iran’ condemns missile attack against Iranian refugees in Camp Liberty

At 7:40 pm local time Thursday 29 October 2015, Camp Liberty where over 2000 Iranian refugees reside near Baghdad came under severe missile attack.

According to preliminary reports, over 80 missiles of different kinds have hit the Camp leaving many dead and wounded among the defenceless residents.



British MPs condemn the deadly missile attack on Camp Liberty

British MPs condemn the deadly missile attack on Camp Liberty resulting in death of 20 camp residents.

We were just informed that there was yet another rocket attack on Camp Liberty, where members of Iran’s democratic opposition, the PMOI, were forced to move in 2012 after assurances of protection by the UN and the US government. And yet we were waiting to see these promises to be fulfilled when this 4th deadly attack on Camp Liberty took place this evening local time, (29 October 2015).



Camp Liberty under heavy attack – No. 8

Three injured in the criminal attack on Camp Liberty are in dire condition and their lives are gravely threatened

Three injured in last night’s criminal missile attack on Camp Liberty are in very dire condition. The lives of PMOI members Messrs. Hassan Nourali, Shahab Etminan and Siamak Raji who were severely injured during the missile barrage are seriously threatened.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 30, 2015 width=”560″ height=”315″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>

Statement No. 7

Urgent: Missile attack on Camp Liberty in Iraq

PMOI (MEK) member Javad Salari, who was injured in the missile attack on Camp Liberty, lost his life in a hospital in Baghdad. He is the 23rd martyr from today’s attack on Camp Liberty.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 29, 2015

URGENT: At least 23 PMOI members martyred in attack on Camp Liberty.


Statement No. 6

Maryam Rajavi vehemently condemned missile attack on Camp Liberty

Maryam Rajavi strongly condemned the heavy missile attack this evening on Camp Liberty and declared: The government of Iraq and the United Nations who signed a Memorandum of Understanding and built a Temporary Transit Location (TTL) since 2011, are formally and legally accountable for this attack. In our view, however, as was the case in the six previous bloodbaths in Ashraf and Liberty, the Iranian regime’s agents in the government of Iraq are responsible for this attack and the United States and the United Nations are well aware of this fact.

Maryam Rajavi added: We had already warned about such an attack. Recently, too, 26 members of the US House of Representatives and 32 prominent political and military American personalities as well as 70 members of the French National Assembly warned the US, UN and the EU on their responsibility in this regard.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 29, 2015


Camp Liberty under heavy attack – No. 5

Urgent: Missile attack on Camp Liberty in Iraq
Statement No. 5

PMOI member Hossein Abrishamchi, one of the most prominent commanders of the National Liberation Army and officials of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, is among the martyrs of the attack on Camp Liberty.
Twenty-two of the injured have been transferred to hospital in Baghdad.
Until this hour, two of the injured, PMOI members Akbar Alidoust and Hassan Tofiq-ju, lost their lives in the hospital due to the severity of their wounds.
PMOI member Hamidreza Eimeni is another martyr of tonight’s attack on Camp Liberty.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 29, 2015


Camp Liberty under heavy attack – No. 4

Urgent: Missile attack on Camp Liberty in Iraq
Statement No. 4

Among missiles fired on Camp Liberty tonight are 122 mm Katyusha missiles, as well as missiles that the Iranian regime has produced similar to NB24 Russian missiles that it has dubbed Falaq.
Some of the other martyrs of the missile attack on Camp Liberty are PMOI members: Messrs. Abutaleb Hashemi, Hamid Dehqan, Kiomarse Yousefi and Hossein Gandomei.
Faces of another two of the martyrs of the missile hits are yet to be identified.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 29, 2015


Camp Liberty under heavy attack – No. 3

Urgent: Attack and very heavy missile barrage of Camp Liberty in Iraq

According to the latest information received from Camp Liberty, over 80 missiles of all types have been hit the camp that houses Iranian opposition members.
Craters as deep as 2 meters and 3.5 meter wide have been created in some impact areas.
The intensity of the explosions are to the extent that many housing units and their protective T-walls have been destroyed or fallen down.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 29, 2015

Camp Liberty under heavy attack – No. 2

Urgent: Attack and very heavy missile barrage of Camp Liberty in Iraq

According to initial reports, there has been a lot of damage and fire, but due to the darkness of night there is no confirmation of the number of those killed or injured.

A large number of trailers have caught fire and the PMOI members are using any means possible to them to extinguish the flames.
The names of a number of PMOI martyrs that have thus far been confirmed are as follows:
Sohrab Homayounfar, Behzad Mirshahi, Hossein Adavi, Rajab Ghorbani, Reza Vadian, Sharif Veysi, Hossein Sarvazad, Ahmad Meschian, Jasem Qaseer, Nayereh Rabiee.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 29, 2015


Camp Liberty under heavy attack – No. 1

Urgent: Attack and very heavy missile barrage of Camp Liberty in Iraq

Since 7:40 pm local time, Camp Liberty has come under the most severe attack and very heavy missile barrage.

Right now all electricity and communications are cut off.
Further reports will be made available as they are received.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 29, 2015